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Written By Sophie Liard

Very Easy Oat Cookies

These cookies are super easy to make and can be altered to suit your chocolate taste…dark, milk, white or a mixture. All flavours work deliciously! This recipe makes around 25 cookies.


125g unsalted butter

125g porridge oats

150g plain flour

125g caster sugar

100g-200g dark chocolate (in any form, broken up bar, chips…up to you!)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp baking powder

2 eggs


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees celsius and line your baking tray

2. Add the eggs and oats and combine

3. Add your flour, baking powder and chocolate then combine

4. I use a 5cm ice cream scoop to portion out the cookie mixture onto my lined baking tray. If you change your portion size remember to change your baking time. Bake for around 12mins or until slightly golden.

5. Leave to cool on your baking rack. Enjoy warm or store in your cookie jar!

Enjoy! and let me know how you get on!




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